I am a Dev
Active learning new knowledge is a must for developers. As a developer, I have always been trying to be the jack of all trades and master of some. Hopefully, my skills can make a ripple in the coming technology era.
Reflection Reflection
What I learn from a collapse of a startup.For the last two years I have been working in a startup named DSYNC. It provid
2019-05-20 Ray Zhang
Factory Factory
Factory Patterns are normally use to abstract away the logic for create a product.i.e creating a product by passing thro
2019-05-15 Ray Zhang
Decorator Decorator
Decorator Pattern Decorator AddOnDecoractor is-A Beverage SolidCoffeeCLass is-A Beverage Decorator is-A AddOnDecoractor
2019-05-15 Ray Zhang
Observer Pattern Observer Pattern
Observer PatternObserver Pattern is commonly use to implement Pub/Sub model. IObservable Has-A IObservable WeatherStatio
2019-05-15 Ray Zhang
Strategy Pattern Strategy Pattern
Strategy PatternStrategy Pattern is a commonly used pattern for OOP.The idea is to use Has-A relation replace Is-A relat
2019-05-13 Ray Zhang
LeetCode general Solution for BST In Order Traverse LeetCode general Solution for BST In Order Traverse
In Order TraverseThere are a quite few leet code questions that is based on BST traverse.Here is a general template that
2019-05-13 Ray Zhang